Own It

I had a moment today when I looked in the mirror and didn’t like what I saw.  It reminded me of a recent episode on one of my favorite sitcoms where the main character was doing the same thing…looking in the mirror. Her experience was funny. For me at the time, it wasn’t. Are we ever really satisfied with the image looking back at us? 

The more I thought about it the more silly the whole thing became to me.

Hair that’s straight or curly or frizzy? Own it!

Eyes that are plain brown or bright blue? Own it!

A body that’s short or tall, thick or thin? Own it!

My moment in the mirror didn’t last long. There really are more important things to think about in life.

6 thoughts on “Own It

  1. Yes own it! No going back now, she says still in her 30s and just finding all the new skin cracks. I remember you telling me once about your freckles faded a lot after I complained about mine exploding like they do every spring and I hate them. They are starting to fade now. It’s sad but we had a good run there, little polka dots. I see them popping up on the boys and think each one they get is one less that I have… This slice is sad but empowering at the same time.

  2. You are one of the lucky ones able to have the self-awareness to move past the things that strike you when you look in the mirror. Your words give inspiration and encouragement to those who feel the same.

  3. Oh, sounds familiar. Sometimes I thinik I look wonderful and other times just old! But yes, it is me and if I don’t like something then I need to change it or learn to like it. Love that you shared your thoughs.

  4. Oh, I certainly can relate. Your slice not only tells us to own up to that which we are, but to also not take life too seriously. It reminds us to be grateful for what we DO have instead of what we DON’T. Thanks for that.

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